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Photography: Kitty Gallannaugh

20 Nov

Special mention for a very talented girl ^^: Kitty Gallannaugh. She’s only 19 years old and already an award winning photographer!

Photography is her passion… it’s her life!

Her photographs are sublime, i have no other words for it: musing pictures that emanate feelings of pure joy, gentleness and romance. A visit to her gallery is absolutely worth it… a moment of feelgood!

“Kitty Gallannaugh is a freelance photographer based in South West London. She picked up her first camera when she was 6 years old. Her first photos were of trees, her hamster and her shoes; and she absolutely loved it. By the time she was 8, she borrowed her firstCanon camera which she used to take photographs of her Labrador. By this stage, she knew she wanted to make art for people. For the past 6 years, Kitty has been taking her photographic hobby to new milestones and turning it into her career. She strongly believes that if we are not happy with our profession, then we cannot reach our fullest potential.

Since 2003, Kitty has devoted herself to making beautiful art. Mainly self-taught, she has been publishing photographs for Merton Council publications and doing local photo shoots around London. She finished high school with her International Baccalaureate Diploma and went on to study photography at Londen College of Communication (University of the Arts London) where she finished with a distinction diploma. Now she is endeavouring to set up her own photography business and to expand her horizons.”

You can find more info on:

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(Source: http:/// and thank you Kitty ^^)

Trembled Blossoms

20 Nov

Another commercial video (2008)… this time for Prada… beautiful and poetic… I just love the fact they’re using animations for commercials.

Different Colors – Superflat Monogram

20 Nov

This goes a while back…. 2007. But it’s still great, like the music and love the animation, even if it’s a bit bizarre ^^: a modern Alice in Wonderland. The video was made by Takashi Murakami (a Japanese pop-art artist… most of his works are too grotesque for my taste… too charged) for Louis Vuitton, music by Fantastic Plastic Machine.

Welcome aboard the Plastiki

20 Nov

The 31-year-old David Mayer de Rothschild is planning a journey on the “Plastiki”, a ship made of plastic bottles… great publicity stunt for raising the awareness of people.

“I was astounded to hear that that there are places in our oceans where the ratio between plastic and plankton is six to one,” he told CNN.

“This plastic is ingested by micro-organisms and works itself up the food chain, with a tragic health impact, such as the dying of about 1 million marine birds every year.”

“Whereas people can say climate change still has some gray, uncertain areas, the impact of our waste is undeniable. It has a big human fingerprint on it.

“Fifteen billion plastic bags are used every year in the U.S., most of them chucked away within 12 minutes.”

The Plastiki


‘Back to the future’ with the LHC

20 Nov

Geneva – The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world’s most powerful particle accelerator, used by physicists to study the smallest known particles, the building blocks of all things existing.

It’s already the second time that the LHC suffered malfunctions: in september last year (2008) there were electrical problems… this time the problems are due to… breadcrumbs dropped by birds… (darn you birds!)

But… acoording to Danish string theory pioneer Holger Belch Nielsen and Japanese physicist Masao Ninomiya, these malfunctions are not just mere coincidences… they are caused by a timetravelling Higgs boson particle.

New York Times:

“The hypothesised Higgs boson… might be so abhorrent to nature that it’s creation would ripple backward trough time and stop the collider before it could make one , like a time traveler who goes back in time to kill his grandfather.”
